My daughter, Lori, was always a very happy, smiley baby and she has been blessed with an adorable son who follows in her footsteps and has the biggest, brightest smile of any baby I've been around for a long time. He recently had his first birthday party which, of course, Grandma made into a big event. He went cross-eyed watching his candles burn and cautiously started eating his cake. Once he realized "Hey, this stuff is good...", he began in earnest to stick his fingers into the icing and lick them. As you will notice, however, he wasn't much into wearing his crown...
Ian is quite the ham. With our new digital camera, I hope to get lots and lots of good pics of him. I actually started a scrapbook during his mother's pregnancy and am determined to at least get his first year in scrapbook format. As our kids get older, we tend to take less and less photos of them. It's not until they are adults that we wish we had been more diligent in taking pics. At least I know Ian's first year, month-by-month has been recorded. When he is 30, I know he will greatly appreciate the time I took to do this for him. I don't want to load this site with my grandson's pics, however tempting that may be... lol But, I think I must post at least one pic of him a month to share his progress.
How adorable! I agree on taking the pictures and documenting that precious first year. I probably go overboard with it though. My daughter was born on a Friday and I have taken pictures of her every singe Friday since then. She will be one year old next month. It's fun having that progression from week to week to look back on. :-)
I have five kids, and shoes boxes full of pictures, plastic containers full of picture, and the computer full of pictures. There isn't enough web space for all of them. So I just keep them tucked away. But that first birthday is always special.
Hi Nea. Nice to meet you and thank you for posting. I can't imagine the photos you have with five children... There will be a day when they will pull out all those old photos and be glad you took them.
Yes, the first birthday is always special and I have it very well documented so one day he will look upon the photos and bless his old Grandma for taking them.
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