GypsySavage Muses
Friday, July 28, 2006
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

As I browse Blogland, I notice many gifted writers. Be it just an engaging post or truly a work of poetry, there are hundreds. I love words... Scary to admit, but when I was a child in school one of my favorite books to read was the Dictionary. I remember when the teacher asked us as a class to look up words during "Dictionary Drill", I was always the first one to raise my hand to say I found the word. After a while, I realized being the first to raise your hand all the time wasn't such a fun thing after all. But, that's another story.
As I browse these Blogs in awe, reading so many entertaining posts, I thought why not give this poetry thing a try... However, I would love to engage those stopping by my blog to add to its content a verse or two. You must forgive my rough attempt at poetry. I don't know a Ottava rima from a Quatrain (and, yes, I looked those up).
Please feel free to add a verse to my first attempt at poetry. Be patient with me. Who knows? I may actually learn something from those who stop by. I hope you post. I can't wait to see how creative you can be.
In the wee hours of the night
I decided to go a bloggin.
Many comments I did make.
Oh curse verification login.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

He met his first watermelon and was all at once frustrated because he could not pick it up, then curious as to what this big round green ball was. Once he had a taste of the big green ball with its juicy red center, he had a friend for life.
What wonder in being around a new little life. It's like discovering things all over again. Tis a good thing we have a new digital camera that will hold hundreds of pics. One of the reasons we got a new digital was the faster shutter speed. With the old one there was too much of a wait between pics and many good moments would be missed. This "watermelon" collage was done "click, click, click" and I got this wonderful series I would have otherwise missed.