WHAT DO YOU SEE ?? Ink Blot #10
I found one more in this series. I have also been playing around with making my own. I think I might create a separate blog just for inkblots. I love to look at them and get other opinions from people. It's all a matter of changing your perspective to see other things. Rather like interpreting people, don't you think?
Ohhhh, this one is rather erotic I think. Pretty obvious it's a nude woman lifting her arms to her lover.
At first, I thought this one was a man's torso, six-pack abs and all. But then the more I looked at it, the more I see a little puppy with cute floppy ears. :-)
I also saw the man's torso and all [it must have been cold ink *snicker*].
Clearly not a natural blonde.
Susan, Stoli how did you come up with a male on this one? The female breasts and groin seemed to leap out at me. Stoli, you comment about the cold ink made me laugh out loud.
Lee, I can see the lady drinking from a straw, but not the sophistication...
Cosmo - I agree completely. lol
I must be more tired than I thought or else I've been living alone too long but it looks to me like a bored reindeer with a cold. I need to get out more...
Pauline.. the reindeer is perfect. Surprised no one saw her before now !!
Still looks like that to me this morning, so forget the tired thing. These ink blots are great fun - I thought I might see that one differently after a night's sleep but nope...more, please.
I liked the poetry add-on blog below, too, gypsy and hope others pick up and run with it.
Oh how I wish I could see the naked lady, but I'm seeing more insects! This sad line comes to mind.
Blackadder: 'We've been sitting here since Christmas 1914, during which time millions of men have died, and we've moved no further than an asthmatic ant with heavy shopping.'
OK - I'm feeling like a pervert now. I still see quite clearly the naked lady...
I popped over for a visit after seeing you so many times on other's blogs Gypsy. I looked at this pic and I immediately though "oh two african women standing facing each other exchanging something, maybe a dog in the middle between them and their heads loaded high with vegetables?"
Then I read the other comments and thought What the? LOL
Great stuff, I'll go check some more out now!
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