Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I'm Alive... Looking for Yoga

yo·ga (yō'ga) n.
~ A Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight andtranquilityy.
~ A system of exercises practiced as part of this discipline to promote control of the body and mind.

I need to recenter myself. I feel as if I need to learn how to breathe again. I haven't posted for quite a while. My "being" has transferred into a constant of PAIN (see some of my journaling on that at This is a Blog I have created to put into words what frustrations I am going through lately.

This week, after visiting with a new Pain Clinic and doctor, I once again have some temporary relief through medication. I hate drugs. But, would eat shit-on-a-stick now if I thought it would relieve some of my pain. I'm not going into my "pain" in this blog. This blog is for the positive things in my life.

What I want to share with you is my desire to begin the practice of Yoga. I have often thought about it, but never given it much more thought than that. At this point, with meds helping to lower my pain, I thought it would be a good time to test these waters. I do meditate at times, but not religiously. I, at one time in my life, could slip into meditative state for a few minutes quickly. However, this I learned through a study of biofeedback, not yoga. I would do it on a bus ride downtown. Hell, for a break during work hours, I would "disconnect" while sitting on the john in a quiet stall. Now, I find it hard to find that "place" (and I don't mean the stall...).

I hope Yoga reinstates what was once "me." If any of you have had experience with this practice, please share with me what you have found it to do for you.

OK... I am off to try and recapture a bit of my life today. I have committed to going out to lunch with a friend. My pain today is lower than it has been for quite a while. My mind is a bit fuzzy from some of my new meds, but I think I can do it, do it, do it... without thinking "I need to get out of here so I can cry because my pain-is-so-bad-I-can-no-longer-smile kind of way." This little social event is a small part of what I have lost over the past couple of years... just "being" with friends and laughing.

Oh, and I'm planning on getting a DVD on Yoga today also. I think the best place for me to start Yoga is by myself at home. A quiet, cozy place where I can just B - R - E - A - T - H - E

P.S. Thanks to all of you to have dropped me a line or two while I was away. I means more than you can imagine...


At October 05, 2006 12:37 AM, Blogger Susan Lucente said...

THERE you are! I didn't realize you've been so busy posting on your pain blog, I've got a lot to catch up on! Glad you're still with us. How was lunch?

At October 10, 2006 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling better to post! *big hugs*

At November 27, 2007 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do yoga and it works but i don't focus on breathing because that will throgh me off and I want to do the poses and you can do every poses you want just don't get a dvd ok go to a class and then get a book on yoga moves you will be thankful because you wont be pushed to do the moves like the dvd is doing because yoga is not pushing yourself it is about working to your best of your ability. and nothing more.

At November 27, 2007 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do yoga and it works but i don't focus on breathing because that will throgh me off and I want to do the poses and you can do every poses you want just don't get a dvd ok go to a class and then get a book on yoga moves you will be thankful because you wont be pushed to do the moves like the dvd is doing because yoga is not pushing yourself it is about working to your best of your ability. and nothing more.


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