Wednesday, June 21, 2006

WHAT DO YOU SEE ?? Ink Blot #2

Here is the second ink blot in my series of ten.


At June 22, 2006 12:02 AM, Blogger GypsySavage said...

I see a great Indian warrior in full dress doing a ritual dance.

At June 23, 2006 8:27 AM, Blogger Gamb0 said...

I just love these Blots Gypsy. I see that hooded man again casting magic spells from either hand.
Remember, if YOU ever need a helping hand, look at the end of each of your arms. You will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.
Re Blot #1 - there is no such thing as an 'evil little insect'. And I think Alan made your day with his comment!

At June 23, 2006 12:41 PM, Blogger GypsySavage said...

Lee, thanks for visiting my blog. I have "cruised" your blog via Susan's link and love to read your insights. Religion is a touchy subject and I think it's great you have taken it on. Flyman... heehee - thanks for the giggle today!

At June 23, 2006 12:46 PM, Blogger GypsySavage said...

Gambo, I am so happy you enjoy my blots. I am trying to think of posts that will engage people's mind and they will want to respond. I can tell you are full of magic and imagination. However, I disagree on evil little insects. As a child, I once had a yellow jacket chase me into my house and I ran from room to room trying to escape it. It caught me once and stung me on the top of my head. I guess, being a child, my mind conjured up the "evil little insect" to haunt my subconscious... lol

At June 23, 2006 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well geez...
i only see the "beast" in the cartoon version of beauty and the beast.
your favorite poker prin

At June 23, 2006 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

An evil mothman...too many horror movies.

At June 23, 2006 8:12 PM, Blogger Susan Lucente said...

Looks like the "monster" in the movie my ex-husband took me to on our first date... hated the movie.. can't remember what it was called, think I've blocked it out. :-)

At June 24, 2006 2:42 AM, Blogger GypsySavage said...

love it... seems this blot has conjured up evil little things. Are there such things as evil little blots gambo???

At June 25, 2006 3:58 AM, Blogger Neoma said...

looks like a heavily muscled robo cop with a machine gun in each hand, Not sure what he is wearing on his head, looks a bit like a Stetson.......and a girdle, he has a really nice waist line.

At June 25, 2006 5:32 PM, Blogger GypsySavage said...

Robo Cop Nea? Do you enjoy science fiction? SciFi is one of my favorite channels on TV.


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